A weekly podcast about the future of education, featuring insightful conversations with educators, tech innovators and scholars, hosted by EdSurge's Jeff Young and other EdSurge reporters.
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How a Returning College Student Advocated to Improve a Fledgling Online Program
A student who was just a few classes shy of graduating from Morehouse College was excited to try its new online program designed for students trying to finish their degrees. It turned out to be a more challenging process than he expected. Here’s how he helped to improve the program for himself and future students.
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Doubting College Series
Skepticism of higher education has grown, and that is having an impact on the choices students make after high school. Families across many income brackets are more open to waiting on college or skipping it altogether. Through interviews with current high school students, their parents and guidance counselors, as well as an analysis of developments in the past decades that have contributed to these attitude changes, EdSurge is diving into the complex factors at work and the real stakes for students planning their lives and educators trying to prepare them for a changing world. Listen to the series.
'Attention Please' Series
Keeping the attention of students during lectures has always been hard. And after COVID-19 disruptions that meant years of Zoom teaching, many professors say things are harder now.We’ve been exploring this rise in student disengagement — and what creative professors are doing to counteract it — in a three-part podcast series.
Bootstraps: Merit, Myths and Education
There’s a longstanding tradition of prizing “merit” in deciding which students get access to the best educational opportunities in America. The narrative goes that a merit-based system allows anyone “to pull themselves up by their bootstraps” to land a slot in a selective public magnet school or an elite college. But does the current system achieve equality? Are there potentially better—or at least fairer—ways to allocate educational opportunity? This 6-episode podcast series explores those questions through in-depth reporting and compelling audio storytelling. See full details here, and look for new installments of this occasional series on the EdSurge Podcast feed.