ACCELERATED PD: The Learning Accelerator, a nonprofit working to support the implementation of blended learning, has invested another $1 million in funding to support professional development for teachers and principals doing blended learning. This investment is the second round of investments made by TLA in the human capital sector. In April 2014, the organization invested $2 million in four different organizations.
This round, only one organization received a follow-up grant, with two other newcomers to the TLA human capital portfolio.
The three recipients are:
- Friday Institute, which will use the funding to codify curriculum and nationally pilot its blended learning principal training program
- CFY, which will leverage its PowerMyLearning platform for students to create personalized PD for educators
- Highlander Institute, in a follow-up grant to fully fund its effort to create and continue a Rhode Island fellowship for teachers
The grants are intended to help teachers and principals bring blended learning to their schools effectively. The Learning Accelerator hopes these organizations will serve as models of how to create and provide professional development.