Free! ENGAGENY is a one stop shop for educators seeking resources around Common Core State Standards implementation, data-driven instruction, and teacher effectiveness. The site, launched in 2011 by the Regents Research Fund, is specifically adapted to the needs of New York state educators, though many of the resources can utilized in any K-12 setting. EdSurge got an opportunity to chat with Kate Gerson, Senior Fellow at the Regents Research Fund, who noted a few of the more popular resources:
- Curriculum: EngageNY provides comprehensive curriculum maps for PreK-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics. ELA educators can find full curriculum modules for Grades 3-8 plus curriculum exemplars for Grades 6-12. Math teachers, likewise can find curriculum exemplars for Grades 1, 2, 7, and HS, and full curriculum modules for Kindergarten and 3rd grade. Gerson reports that the curriculum is constantly being updated, and a complete set should be available by December.
- Test Guides: Grade-specific test guides are available for Grades 3-8 which highlight new content, evaluation rubrics, and other conceptual and instructional shifts from previous NY state exams to the 2013 Common Core ELA and Mathematics tests.
- Sample Questions: EngageNY provides these examples for Grades 3-8 to “help educators think about content, NOT to show how operational tests look exactly or to provide information about how teachers should administer the test.” With a stronger focus on non-fictional works, the ELA sample questions may be especially helpful in helping teachers understand the shifts in “text complexity.”
These represent only a sampling of the growing body of resources. Beyond Common Core, there’s also a number of teacher effectiveness resources for self-assessing the quality and rigor of instruction. Check back often for updates!