EdSurge Collection

EdSurge 2014 Outlooks

Educators, entrepreneurs and investors offer their edtech predictions for the new year

EdSurge 2014 Outlooks

We'll be the first to agree--2013 was an active year for educational technology.

We saw successes. Venture investment increased by 6% from the previous year. New edtech incubators and accelerators popped up in countries and cities across the globe, including New York, Boston, London, and India.

In the spirit of true innovation, we also some struggles. Buzz around higher education innovation and MOOCs reflected both the ups and downs of out-of-classroom learning, most recently related to job-placement complications. A couple of promising edtech companies lost their footing somewhere along the way, and opted to close up shop for good.

So, what successes and tribulations will 2014 bring? And more importantly, what should the current edtech players (as well as those interested in getting into the game) keep in mind as they plan out their yearlong schedules?

This December, the EdSurge team decided to put together a collection of 2013 reflections and predictions for 2014 edtech trends. We've sourced op-eds from the best and brightest in edtech--investors, nonprofit managers, teachers, entrepreneurs, product developers, district officials, CEOs, and more. Each comes with his or her own experiences, impressions, and wisdom--and imagines not just what is likely, but what is possible for the 2014 year.

Got your own predictions? Tweet them with the #edtech2014 hashtag here on the righthand side of this page--because if you are reading this, we know that you have just as many thoughts and outlooks as we do. And the edtech world needs to hear them.

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