Re-imagine Nearly Everything


Re-imagine Nearly Everything

Jun 6, 2012

RE-IMAGINE NEARLY EVERYTHING: It's a quick but valuable click through these 112 slides on Internet trends from Mary Meeker, now with Kleiner Perkins and one of the dozens of analysts. She smartly points out how the world is changing, fortified by deep statistics. For instance: global mobile traffic is now about 10% of all Internet traffic (slide 14). The bad news: CPMs (cost per impression or basically ad revenue) from mobile apps is just a whisker above 20% of the CPMs from desktop Internet. The slightly less bad news: CPMs for education apps are the second most valuable, after, um those on weather apps (slide 19). Meeker's nod to "re-imagining learning" happens late in her presentation (slide 75), well after mentions of re-imagining personal borrowing, instant gratification and even "calling a cab." (At least it's ahead of "re-imagining government subsidies.") But even though the show isn't specific to education, the trends are well-worth exploring.

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