‘FLIPPED’ GETS CANNED: One year after embarking her students on a flipped classroom adventure, teacher and blogger, Shelley Wright declares on the PLPNetwork that her “brief love affair with the flip has ended.” She doesn’t outright reject the flipped philosophy. In fact she still agrees with many of her positions she had when the love affair began. But her ardor has dimmed as she's moved from a teacher-centric to student-centric model: “[M]y students began to do lots of their their own research. Sometimes this resulted in them teaching each other. Sometimes they created a project with the knowledge they were acquiring. But the bottom line was that their learning had a purpose that was apparent to them,” says Wright.
It seems the flipped philosophy ultimately led to its own demise in this case. In an attempt to place students in a position to control their learning, Wright found that she only needed to “help them learn to learn.” With proper research skills, students are able to find much more information beyond lectures about a given topic. Check out the full article for more lessons learned and four reasons why Wright will never return to the flipped model.