State: Wyoming | Number of Students: 2,770 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 45.1% |
Grade Level: K-12 | English Language Learners: 5.9% |
School Context
This district hosts roughly 2500 students and is on their second year of rolling out a flex model blended learning practice.
State of Technology
They have evaluated some of the current tools for curriculum and find that they need to be more thoughtful about the tools they use. The teachers are overwhelmed creating new content and want support with better content-specific curriculum. They want and need to be better about identifying learning gaps and analyzing data and would like the new tools to help support that effort. Since implementing blended learning, they feel they are missing some key components to the curriculum that will make the blended learning environment more effective.
Currently, the teachers have an uneven approach to blended learning. Many of the teachers create content and upload content in to Google Apps and they use Gooru to manage content. Middle schools use iReady with mixed reviews, and some of their current tools are too focused on credit recovery instead of dynamic skill-building.
Tech Needs & Requirements
Ideally, the district is seeking an engaging tool that accounts for or adapt to students' varying skill levels and leads them through the process of mastering new skills. The content is ideally housed within the tool itself, with minimal content created by the teacher; however, the teacher would want some control over delivery path or have the ability to assign content. If the tool has a diagnostic test to determine students' skill levels that is preferred. The tool must have a way of tracking students' progress and administrators should have the ability to roster and review data. Integration with PowerSchool is a nice-to-have, but is not a requirement.
Teachers should be able to modify or override the student's learning path if they have observed mastery of a specific skill set (outside the tool) by that student. Otherwise, the tool should be able to run independently of the teacher.
The tool must deliver pre-made content, account for students with varying levels of skill and give teachers and administrators progress data. They are almost 1:1 at present and will be 1:1 with Chromebooks within a year or so. They have supplemental devices like iPads. The district would like a diagnostic test to determine students' skill levels, but it is not requirement. Teachers and administrators will combine data from the tool with their own observations to lead a conversation about progress. The district wants integration with PowerSchool and exports to CSV.