State: Missouri | Number of Students: 3,127 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 83.3% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 94.7% |
School Context
Top 10% by 2020: The district has a goal to raise student achievement to the level of the top 10 percent of districts inMissouri by 2020 through student-centered, rigorous, effective and appropriate instruction taught by dedicated teachers,with aligned K-12 curriculum and appropriate professional development.
Teachers Know Best: To support ambitious student achievement goals, the district is focusing on professionaldevelopment opportunities to attract and retain the most highly qualified staff. The district is committed to providing aninstructional coach in each building as well as ongoing professional development opportunities for all teachers and staff.
Seamless Integration: All Union R-XI students from K-8 attend computer classes with a curriculum that is aligned with theNational Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) for each grade. The district’s goal is for all students to scoreproficient or above on the Common Assessment Technology Test for their grade.
Data in the Driver’s Seat: Union R-XI aims to effectively utilize data at both the school and district level. The districtcontinuously evaluates data to make key decisions regarding budget, transportation, food services, safety and security,facilities management, curriculum and instruction, enrollment, graduation rates, discipline instances, supervision, studentactivities, personnel productivity, evaluations and employment matters.
State of Technology
On the Horizon: Union’s technology department currently supports about1,800 devices, including desktops, laptops and tablets that serve 3,100students. There is currently not a plan for moving to 1:1, but the district hasformed a technology committee that is in the early stages of discussing theimplementation, which would likely start at the middle school level.
Student Technologists: In the spirit of collaboration, the district has createda group of high school students, called the Wildcat Instructional Technologists,to help choose new educational technologies. These students do much of theresearch, piloting, and teacher training about how to utilize new technologies.
Growing with iPads: Union R-XI has vertically aligned iPad deployment. Ingrades K-1, iPad Minis are used in classrooms built around work stations andapp-based curriculums. Full-size iPads are used in upper elementary throughhigh school as student needs become more advanced.
STEM Shake-Up: The district is entering its second year of a comprehensive K-12STEM initiative. Recently, the district hired its first K-3 STEM-specific teacher to shift thefocus of the traditional computer classes in elementary schools to STEM-related topicsand skills.