State: Texas | Number of Students: 868 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 54.8% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 1.3% |
School Context
This district has been a leader in state accountability scores and are proud of the academic success of their students. They surpass statewide passing standards, rank at the top of almost any measure of academic success. In their small town of less than 4000 people, the school drives the community.
State of Technology
The district has a curriculum in place that they use to build foundational skills in math and they also use the software to provide intervention. What they are missing is a way to make an opportunity for students to accelerate their skills in a meaningful, rigorous way.
Currently, they use a textbook based curriculum with the online component to help scaffold and gap fill students' skills. They are able to reach most students, but they feel their scores and the students performances are stagnant. They would like to move beyond the basics. They plan to do this though a new, experimental blended learning environment.
Tech Needs & Requirements
This district has planned a new model to reinvigorate the classroom. They plan on implementing a station rotation model where students attend class blocks that last an hour. Students will spend approximately 40% on time on software to help them practice and build skills. They are considering a multiple-tool solution in case some products meet the needs better for upper elementary versus junior high and vice versa. They are looking for a tool with several key features.
They are ultimately looking for something very engaging, possibly gamified. If the tool was adaptive, that would be a nice to have. The tool should provide students with feedback if they miss a question. This could look like helper text, link to a scaffold, or even something that explain why the student may have missed the question.
The tool should have a variety of ways for students to interact with the content. Question types should include and not be limited to multiple choice answering options.
The tool should be designed to help students build skills beyond what is expected. They are hoping the tool goes beyond simply offering intervention or gap-filling.
The district would like for the tool to offer a variety of reporting options. They would like a teacher dashboard so that teachers could quickly and accurately address student progress.All questions should be aligned with TEKS standards.
Students should be able to see where they are, but control is not as important.
Teachers will be leading students through stations. Teachers will work with small groups to reinforce difficult concepts. At other stations students will be working on projects. Teachers will use this tool to inform instruction, but also all students to gain exposure to concepts beyond the foundational curriculum.
The tool must be TEKS aligned, engage students through incentives or gamification, provide data on student progress, and not solely designed to simply offer intervention nor gap-filling. The school offers Windows-equipped desktops, Chromebooks, and Tablets (non-iOS devices). Stations will have laptops so classrooms will be equipped for students to be 1:1 during those particular stations. The tool must provide progress and growth data, the number of attempts (step analysis), TEKS objectives data and able to download to CSV. If the tool integrates with their SIS, TEAMS or EDUPHORIA, that would be a nice to have.