State: Louisiana | Number of Students: 1,187 |
School Type: Charter Management Organization | Free and Reduced Lunch: 95.0% |
Grade Level: PK-8 | English Language Learners: N/A |
School Context
This school is part of a network of charter schools that serves a majority of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch and a large population of English Language Learners. The school is developing a blended learning model.
State of Technology
This school have lots of proficiency levels and they are trying to meet all students where they are at. To do that, they have decided to group students by proficiency levels for math, so that they can deliver remediation and heavy teacher support to some groups, ensure others are retaining what they learn, and give acceleration and pacing to students who need it.
Currently, they have a lab rotation set up in classes and they use Khan Academy in the lab so students can work on their skills, while the most needy students get pulled out in small groups for instruction with a teacher. They like that Khan Academy is free and that it gives us decent data. They also like that it has Spanish subtitles and it works the best with students who are looking for acceleration or are on grade level. What it is missing is the ability to adapt in different places, so the most needy students practice content on their own level.
Tech Needs & Requirements
For tier 1 students, the ones who are on grade level, they are looking for a tool that gives them more choice over what they learn so they can accelerate as fast as they want and be the leaders of their learning.
With this tool, students should be able to identify the areas where they are proficient through a digital assessment and then have the freedom to work on areas where they are not. When working on the new topic, students should be able to choose the content they learn from. They want students to have to think about what content they will use and how they will use it so they are more active in their own learning process. The tool should point them in the right direction, but they should be able to make a choice regarding which content works best for them. When they think they have learned the content, they should be able to take the next digital assessment on the tool to prove proficiency and move onto the next topic.
Students should have the ability to go as fast as they want on the tool. They should not wait for a teacher to give them permission to move on. Students also need control over the content they use. They should be able to make choices around what they use to learn the materials.
Teachers will look at data, but other than that they will have little involvement in the tool.
Students are provided with windows laptops in the lab and they will be 1:1 on Chromebooks by this Spring. The tool must give students choices around the content they use to master a subject, have a single sign on with Clever, support CSV exports and must show mastery on micro standards. Students are provided with windows laptops in the lab and they will be 1:1 on Chromebooks by this Spring. They are interested in mastery data at a micro-standard level. Right now, they only get levels of mastery from Khan academy, but they would like more specifics. Also, Khan Academy data does not export very well. It is critical that they can export this data so they can clean it and combine it with data from other programs. The tool must support single sign on and CSV exports.