State: California |
Number of Students: 3,353 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 8.8% |
Grade Level: PK-8 | English Language Learners: 16.8% |
School Context
This is for a small and high achieving district in an affluent suburb. The district hosts 6 schools, 3,000 students and 125 teachers.
State of Technology
The district is trying to ensure that lessons are presented in an interactive and engaging way to students live in a classroom and then recorded so the lessons are shareable with students and parents.
In the past, teachers used Smart Boards where they would display the math work on the board and then use the interactive board to draw over the content and record what they drew.
Tech Needs & Requirements
The district is now switching to Apple TV's and they need something that can support the same functionality. They want to do more than just project digital worksheets. They want teachers to be able to bring those worksheets to life. They need teachers to be able to use pre-created content, that lives on their curriculum website, on the screen while drawing over it during a lesson where to create step by step break down of the content. They also need to be able to record the interactive lesson they created so they can share with parents or absent students. Teachers use their iPads to interact with the Apple TV's so it is critical that the platform stores and hosts the content so it doesn't take up space on the iPad. However, it is also important that teachers have the ability to download the content and host it locally on their device so they can email it and share it with parents. Teachers should be able to save the interactive lesson they created so they can use it in the future.
Right now students are just absorbing the content from their seats, because they do not have a 1:1 program. In the next few years, they would like students to be able to interact. They would like students to be able to access the lessons at home if possible. But this is not a non negotiable.
Teachers are not creating the content. They will be uploading the digital worksheets from the website. Teachers will be responsible for creating the interactive elements.
Every teacher has an iPad. Some schools are 3:1 or 2:1 with iPads, but it varies. The tool must store content remotely, allow teachers to selectively choose content to use locally and record the interactive lesson that was created. The tool must be iOS based.