RICHARDSON UNLEARNS: “If we don’t assess what we value, we will end up valuing what we assess.” Truer words have never been spoken, unless of course you were at ISTE 2012 to hear the talk given by Mr. Will Richardson in its entirety. If you’re unfamiliar with his edu-philosophical musings, take a gander at this lively chat with Mr. Rob Mancabelli. The seasoned educational consultant challenged educators to dismiss traditional notions of content delivery, competition, and standardized assessment in the classroom in favor of personalized learning, cooperation, and value assessment. While we can understand his disdain for automated essay grading and the like, it’s a bit difficult to nail down exactly how and what value should be measured, and who (if not what) will be doing the measuring. Or -- wait for it -- perhaps that should all be left up to the students? Get the full deets from the always thoughtful Ms. Tina Barseghian here at MindShift.