DIGITAL LEARNING DEBATES: We'll continue to be pelted by mixed reports about whether digital learning helps or hurts students (fueled by the The New York Times frontpage piece a week ago suggesting that the data isn't clear). Minnesota students studying exclusively online are struggling, according to the state auditor, which recommends more oversight. The truth is that education is in huge flux--and so discussions such as observations by Innosight's Michael Horn on how digital learning can free up teachers and elaborations by Public Impact's Bryan Hassel and Emily Ayscue Hassel on how it can help students continue to abound. Is this just whistling to the choir if you're an edsurgent entrepreneur? Nope. Not only do you need to know why digital learning sets off alarm bells for some people--but getting a glimpse at the issue from the teachers' perspective could help you build a better product. Expect to see more, too, from Public Impact on how digital tech can help redesigning schools.