JUST A NUDGE: Here’s a strikingly clear and thoughtful commentary from Ben Williamson on the persuasive influences of digital media-- and by extension, the next generation of education technology. The University of Exeter research fellow is keen on the current language of edtech and how it influences psychological defaults. The academic language is dense but the insights are among the best we’ve come across for edupreneurs building new products and the teachers who implement them. One of many money quotes:
“In the open education world learning is defined by choice and flexibility in educational provision and content, by notions of co-production, customization, personalization,and the co-design of new, open source forms of curriculum that follow the networked logic of wikis and not the narrowly canalized logic of cultural canons. In short, openness has been constructed potentially and ideally as a new way of life—a new behavioral norm—for the 21st century.”
No spoilers here, just a nudge to read carefully and reflect upon the technology influences in your life/classroom.