SHOW ME DA MONEY (FOR A PRICE): Back in the summer, EdSurge reported on how John Richards of cs4ed consulting was trying to estimate the size of the edtech market for the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA). Good news: the final SIIA calculation is $7.5 billion--easily double the size of the summertime estimates. The frustrating news: the industry size is extrapolated from a survey of less than a quarter of known edtech companies. Companies with revenues above $25 million accounted for 80% of sales. Still it's a big contribution for an industry where data is surprisingly hard to dig out. The full 70-or-so-page "2010 U.S. Educational Technology Industry Market: PreK-12 Report," was released at the SIIA's EdTech Business Forum this week in New York. (Here's the press release.) A copy of the report will set you back a pretty $1500. We're looking forward to the free executive brief.