BEST EDUWEB 2.0 OF 2012: Mr. Larry Ferlazzo digs deep into his edtech treasure chest to produce this list of the Best Web 2.0 Applications for Education thus far in 2012. His four criteria for the list are: 1) the tool must be accessible to ELL and non-techie users; 2) the tool must be free; 3) the tool must be classroom-safe; and 4) the tool must be completely web-based. Several of the tools including, Thinglink, and Themeefy have been featured in the S'cool Tools section of previous ES-Instruct editions. Others are new on our radar, including Kl1P, which allows you to create registration-free web pages with a custom url. We appreciate that Mr. Ferlazzo has included previous Best Of lists for each of the previous five years. There's only one tool from the 2007 list that still gets play on today's edu-airwaves: VoiceThread.