LET'S TALK ABOUT GROWTH: Calling all ninth grade teachers! Early next year, ninth graders all over the country will be participating in a free online program designed to raise academic performance and motivation.
The program is run by PERTS (short for Project for Education Research that Scales, an educational research center out of Stanford University) and is part of a national study testing the growth mindset training program. The current training program has already achieved impressive results in improving students’ grade point averages, but the folks at PERTS think they can do even better. So they’re launching a nationwide study comparing different versions of the training program. That means every student who participates in the study will get access to a version of this effective program.
So, what sort of improvements are they testing in the new versions? Everything from small changes to the introduction to adding audio quotes from students and celebrities (including a quote from First Lady Michelle Obama!). At the end of the study, teachers will receive a report that shows the percentage of growth mindset students in their class, their school, and across the country.
The program is brief (completed in under 90 minutes across two classroom sessions), and teachers can sign up through the PERTS website to participate. The study starts January 12th, so click here to check it out!