TOO COOL (PERFECT FOR SCHOOL): Ding ding! We've got our favorite edtech teacher and administrator tools for the week right here, as highlighted in our Instruct newsletter! Our fave S'Cool Tools are:
*Free! Doing Common Core assessments twice a year may make it tough to gauge how your students are doing between those two big testing dates. With Edulastic, you can keep track of your students’ preparation as frequently as you want, by customizing assessment content for your classroom’s needs. Edulastic’s homework and daily assessments use thousands of standards-aligned questions created by other teachers; you can also create freeform questions tailored to your own classroom curricula.
*Free! Thanks to the big bad Internet, the 21st century teacher has access to a whole new world of tools and communities. But how can you take advantage of what’s out there? Grovo aims to help you can develop skills and figure out how to take advantage of what the internet has to offer. With 60-second videos on on popular tools such as Google drive and how to do "online research" using the likes of TweetDeck, Grovo can help you (and your students) optimize the internet for your needs.
*License: Here’s a new “friend” for kids working on their coding: Karel the Robot. Built for the K-12 set, ncLab’s Karel offers students 11 levels of increasing difficulty, with a variety of games and projects. Students get rewards, too, earning karate belts as they develop skills from elementary commands to Python lists. The platform runs $30 for one year for individual users, or $2.50 per student account per month in K-12 schools.