PUMPING THE BRAKES: Yesterday, NY's Board of Regents announced that New York public schools will have five years to implement the Common Core State Standards. Teachers will also be free for two years from consequences of student performance on any tests linked to the new standards. According to the board's meeting notes, these actions were linked to "feedback" and requests that the Board of Regents and the State Education Department received from various constituencies to improve CCSS implementation.
Additionally, NYSED's press release also stated that full-scale Common Core implementation is delayed until 2022. The release reads:
A more subtle but noteworthy aspect of Monday's conversation was reports of further delays for data company inBloom. According to the Wall Street Journal, the state education department reported that it will delay the launch of the EngageNY Portal (with which inBloom was involved) until the start of the next school year "in order to address data security protections."