OUR EDTECH SUMMIT FOR BALTIMORE: Plans are gelling for our EdSurge Tech for Schools Summit in Baltimore on February 22. Educators from three districts and nearby independent schools are excited about the event, so excited in fact that Howard County Public Schools just joined Baltimore City and Baltimore County as an education partner. (We're expecting to see at least 500 educators!) Baltimore leaders say they particularly hope to see entrepreneurs from companies of all stages (yes, including early stage companies with products in beta!) Mature companies, of course, are encouraged to consider sponsoring the event. In particular, educators in this fine “Old Line State” are eager to see innovations in companies that deliver:
- Student portfolios and tools that show student growth;
- Student creation tools;
- Student collaboration tools;
- Teacher tools for developing and adapting curricular resources;
- Tools that educators can easily adopt;
- Tools that focus on 21st century skills (such as perseverance, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving);
- Professional development
FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: On the Friday (2/21) before the day-long Summit, event sponsors and other companies are invited to take part in special afternoon session with district supervisors, technology specialists and chief academic officers. Other companies taking part in the Summit can be involved for an additional fee. For details about this event, please contact Tyler@edsurge.com.