APPLE STICKER SHOCK: According to this LA Times report, the L.A. Unified School District may be paying $100 more per iPad than budgeted--$770 per tablet. Killer point on the costs:
"This potential sticker shock can be avoided, but only after the L.A. Unified School District has spent at least $400 million for the devices. In other words, the district would have to buy nearly 520,000 iPads before getting lower prices."
Ouch. We know procurement is a twisted path. But the district's answer--that the costs will go down once it buys more iPads--isn't very comforting. Notes the LA Times:
"The structure of the deal raises the stakes for what L.A. schools Supt. John Deasy recently referred to as a "pilot test." If the district pulls out of the deal, or buys fewer tablets from Apple Inc., the iPads become considerably more expensive."