Looking for Book Suggestions from Edtechies?

Language Arts

Looking for Book Suggestions from Edtechies?

By Katrina Stevens     Sep 4, 2013

Looking for Book Suggestions from Edtechies?

Educators love to read books, solicit recommendations, and share their own favorites. Despite the holiday and start-of-school preparations, #EdTechChat tweets filled Monday night’s stream. Moderated by Susan Bearden, Sharon Plante, and Alex Podchaski, educators shared their favorite resources for educational philosophy, gaining tech competence, teaching methods, integrating technology into the classroom, and even tech fiction.

See if there's something you want to add to your reading list (*Books that were most recommended):

Tech Fiction Little Brother, Cory Doctorow The House of the Scorpion, Nancy Farmer

More books will be added here on Shelfari as more are shared in future chats. Want to see the whole conversation? #EdTechChat archives can always be found here.

Join #EdTechChat next Monday 8 to 9pm ET to learn more about “Assessing Your Infrastructure.”

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