Edtech Women Lean In

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Edtech Women Lean In

Jun 4, 2013

EDTECH WOMEN LEAN IN: Last Thursday about 100 women joined EdSurge at our monthly meetup to celebrate the role of women in education technology. It was a joyous affair: With help from our friends at RAFT, we made bottle rockets from recyclables. Much sharing ensued--everything from open jobs to advice for people switching careers.

Key dates to keep in mind for the future:

There will be two dinners from women in edtech at this year's ISTE conference in San Antonio:

On June 24 at 7:30 pm, the DOLS, the original women's edtech confab, is gathering for networking, food and fun. Contact Ellen Bialo here for details and to RSVP.

At the same time, EdTechWomen will be hosting a buffet ($50 a person) at Rita's On the River. All the details are here.

Can you attend both? Why sure! The groups are friendly and planning to collaborate on future gatherings. Both welcome entrepreneurs as well as teachers.

Here's the evolving blog for EdTechWomen, which should have updates on local events and other happenings.

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