A LIL BIT OF THIS, LIL BIT OF THAT: Kudos to Jennie Magiera, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Teacher, and Digital Learning Coordinator for the Academy for Urban School Leadership in Chicago. You may have exchanged words of wisdom with her in this EdWeek webinar or stumbled across resources on her blog, but before the fancy tech titles and tireless PLN contributions, Magiera was more likely to ridicule a classroom of iPads before facilitating a personalized learning environment. In this DOE blog post, Magiera reveals how even though she once thought edtech was just "bells and whistles," her students' lack of digital access led her to apply for an iPad grant. And though she's a math teacher, the rest is, well, history. It's an excellent read for the digitally-averse seeking new ways to engage their students and expand their own professional learning.