State: New Jersey | Number of Students: 2,211 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 11.6% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 1.0% |
State of Technology
Saving Trees: The Center for Digital Education (CDE) and the National School Boards Association (NSBA) recognized SpringfieldPublic Schools as a top-ranked district in their Digital School Districts Survey for their one-to-one laptop initiative for grades 6-12and their efforts to go paperless. The initiative, which started in 2005, has allowed teachers and students to create paperlesslearning environments using little or no textbooks in the classroom. Instead, teachers and students using web-based resources andcurriculum to support students. They also use a Study Whiz as a digital locker and a way to share feedback and collaborate aroundcontent. Teachers also have the ability to flag exemplar student work and share it with other classes.
You Got A Problem? These Kids Will Solve It: Problem-based learning is at the heart of instruction at Springfield. Study Whiz’sdigital locker and feedback loop help support documentation of projects. The district also supports its staff in a cohort-basedcoaching and PD model to implement project-based pedagogy across the curriculum. This particular pedagogy has influenced thedistrict’s outlook on technology, giving teachers a specific purpose and focus around how they use it to support learning.
Student Voice: The technology team includes two student liaisons who work closely with the Director of Technology to ensure thatthe student voice is heard. These two students collect and share suggestions made by their peers, and assist with special projects.There is also the JDHS Student Technology Team (BITS Bulldog Information Technology Support), a group of students that providessupport to both students and staff in classrooms. This team helps others to problem solve around technology and even makerepairs.
Tech Needs & Requirements
Instructional and learning impact is the most important consideration for techdecision-making and purchases. The district looks at whether or not the toolsmake instruction more effective, efficient and viable. To do this, they evaluatetools on a case-by-case basis.
Digital Content: The district is not interested in using digital textbooks, butinstead in giving teachers access to high-quality digital materials through asubscription service, so they can remix these resources and create deeperlearning opportunities with technology.
Wifi upgrades in the elementary schools.
Implementing a new website platform.