San Leandro Unified School District

San Leandro Unified School District

In response to changing technology and the increased role of digital media, the district believes that school is a place where digital citizenship should be explored.

State: California Grade Level: K-Adult
School Type: Public School District Free and Reduced Lunch: 64.0%
Grade Level: K-Adult English Language Learners: 26.2%

School Context

The Importance of Digital Citizenship: In response to changing technology and the increased role of digital media, thedistrict believes that school is a place where digital citizenship should be explored.

Access and Equity for All: San Leandro Unified aims to ensure that all students have access to high quality instructionand technology integration so that they are college and career-ready.

Modern Learning Environments: SLUSD is committed to providing 21st century learning environments for all studentsand is planning to frequently iterate it’s technology plan to keep it current.

Open Lines of Communication: The district believes that strong communication between students, families, staff andcommunity members is critical to student success.

Safety First!: San Leandro is dedicated to providing safe and positive learning environments that promote social andemotional well being for every student.

State of Technology

Moving Toward One to One: About three years ago, San LeandroUnified started preparing to shift to a 1:1 learning environment. Thedistrict’s technology department, knew that they couldn’t roll out a largenumber of devices without paying close attention to teacher needs. Toprepare for the 1:1 initiative, SLUSD has been focusing a great deal ofenergy on strengthening infrastructure, increasing devices and aligningprofessional development with technology.

Devices: The district set a goal of reaching a 1:1 student-to-device ratioby fall 2016. San Leandro currently has about 8,000 students and 4,600devices, with the rest of the devices arriving this fall. The devices are acombination of Chromebooks, Chrome desktops and iPads. The decisionto purchase Chromebooks was rooted in the ability to use the entireGoogle Suite, allowing and encouraging students to collaborate. SLUSDstaff members each receive a MacBook Pro.

Stepping Up their Infrastructure Game: San Leandro Unified has beenputting major effort into improving its infrastructure over the past threeyears because the district believes that deploying thousands of deviceswithout a strong infrastructure will not result in student success. Thedistrict has partnered with the City of San Leandro, Lit San Leandro,OSIsoft and Conterra to connect all schools to the San Leandro FiberLoop, increasing the Internet speed tremendously. Now all schools tohave a 10GB connection to the Internet.

Prioritizing Professional Development: Throughout all of SanLeandro’s professional development, there has been a heavy focus ontechnology. For example, every two weeks, the district offers PD forall administrators. The PD experiences have online agendas and giveadministrators the opportunity to use Google Apps for Educators. Thereis a consistent push to model using technology across the organization,with administrators, teachers, students and families.

Growing Responsible Digital Citizens: The district takes a proactiveapproach with families and the community to support digital citizenshipand responsibility amongst students. San Leandro’s technologydepartment uses Common Sense Media’s Digital Citizenship curriculumas a guide for teaching students about how to interact with digital mediaand uses AUP online to deliver self-paced curriculum on internet safetyand digital citizenship. AUP online at school and at home. All studentsin the district are required to complete a program on AUP online, whichvaries in length by grade level starting at 10 minutes for kindergartenand first grade moving up to an hour for high school students. SLUSDalso uses Gaggle to support online safety.

*Content From 2016

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