State: Pennsylvania | Number of Students: 2,354 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 36.1% |
Grade Level: K-12 | English Language Learners: 0.0% |
School Context
This is a highly innovative school district that is nestled within a highly innovative community. The district is very focused on game based learning, projects and empower students to lead their own learning. They have also gone 1:1 with iPads across the district.
State of Technology
The district has a robust solution for its K-7th grade students when it comes to offering them personalized learning pathways. However, it is struggling to find personalized learning tools for 8th and 9th grade Algebra content. Ideally, they would like a tool to diagnose what content students should work through, and teach content at the students own pace. They would also like the tool to incorporate game based learning themes or challenges to engage students.
Currently, the district supports personalized learning in K-7th grade through a station rotation model. Students spend 3 days a week or direct instruction and then 2 days a week in flexible learning groups. Teachers regroup students each week based on data from their digital tools such as Moby Max or IXL. Then, during flexible learning time students spend some of that time on digital tools working through content at their own pace. Currently, they do not like the tools available for algebra level, finding them lacking engagement and true personalization that responds to each student differently.
Tech Needs & Requirements
The districts expects teachers should not be creating any material. However, because teachers are experienced, it is fine if they identify the correct learning path for each student and assigning it to them. Ideally, the platform could help do that. The teachers need the ability to assign specific paths to students.
The tool must be compatible with iPads and not use Flash. If it is app based, Apple IDs should be issued.. The district offers students 1:1 iPads. The software should track what level the student started out on and how they progressed while using learning tools, so the district can track growth over time. They would also like the teacher to be able to access a dashboard to track mastery data, so they can easily make decisions about grouping. Ideally, the tool flags students who repeatedly struggle mastering content repeatedly.