Orleans Parish Public Schools

Orleans Parish Public Schools

The district is focused on improving technology infrastructure and facilities in order to create updated educational settings for 21st century learning and to increase access to blended learning.

State: Louisiana Number of Students: 13,271
School Type: Public School District Free and Reduced Lunch: N/A
Grade Level: PK-12 English Language Learners: 4.6%

School Context

21st Century Environment: The district is focused on improving technology infrastructure and facilities in order to createupdated educational settings for 21st century learning.

Positively Motivating: OPSB sees a combination of discipline and engagement as key factors to improving studentretention rates and school safety.

A+ Teachers: OPSB plans to develop mechanisms to attract, train, promote and retain quality educators. In addition thedistrict is considering new systems for evaluating educator performance.

Financial Stability: The district is prioritizing fiscal solvency in order to assure maximum educational funding.

Effective Communication: OPSB believes that effectively communicating with local and state educational administrators aswell as community leaders is critical to creating positive, productive relationships.

Charter Support: OPSB remains committed to monitoring the effectiveness of charter schools in accordance with stateregulations.

State of Technology

Blended Learning: In 2012, OPSB approved a technology plan to increaseaccess to blended learning by May 2015. Much of the plan centeredaround increasing virtual learning opportunities for students, beyondthe established credit recovery options. The district intended to increasee-learning courseware in summer school sessions. In addition, the districtplanned to explore new ways for teachers to engage in blended learningprofessional development.

Technical Improvements: Over the past several years, OPSB has beenworking on improving the district’s technological infrastructure. Specificallythe district has improved internet access and wireless connectivity, addedcloud-based data storage and provided email accounts for all employeesand students.

Innovative Approaches to Literacy: In October 2014, the districtreceived a two-year Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant from theU.S. Department of Education. The purpose of the grant is to improveliteracy skills in PK-10th grade students through differentiated literacyintervention, teacher professional development and technologyintegration. Of the $750,000 allocated for the 2015 budget, $85,800 wasallocated for technology.

Tech Support: Also in October 2014, OPSB approved an RFP to useUltimate Technical Solutions Inc. to manage their school technology. Theboard chose to go with a consulting service because they determined itwas more cost effective than hiring a full time employee to manage thetechnology.


School Climate Grant: In October 2014, OPSB was awarded a School Climate Transformation Grant from the U.S.Department of Education to help improve student behavior and learning conditions. Over the span of 5 years, the districtwill receive an estimated $2.6 million to help implement Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS), train faculty andstaff and hire full-time mental health professionals.

*Content From 2015

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