State: California | Number of Students: 2,943 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 6.0% |
Grade Level: K-8 | English Language Learners: 8.1% |
School Context
A Staff that Inspires: The district is committed to hiring staff that are highly qualified and motivate students to learn.
Engaging Academics: MPCSD believes that high standards and engaging instruction are critical to student achievement. Thedistrict is driven to ensure that all instruction is highly engaging.
Curiosity and Critical Thinking: In addition to engaging academic instruction, MPCSD aims to instill curiosity as well asinnovative and critical thinking among all learners.
Positive and Safe Learning Environment: The district realizes the importance of the learning environment and aims to providesafe and supportive school communities.
Financial Stability: The district has a goal of achieving long term financial stability by carefully allocating funds and maximizingresources.
State of Technology
Partnership with the Stanford d.School: About 20 MPCSD teachers worked with design thinkers at the Stanford d.School as part of a district-wide partnership. The work was focused on designing lessons that support implementation of the Common Core in grades K-8.
1:1 iPad Initiative: At Hillview Middle School, all students have iPads thatthey are allowed to use both at school and at home. The 1:1 initiative rolledout slowly over the past few years. All students are required to take a specialcourse covering iPad use and digital citizenship before bringing their iPadshome.