State: Massachusetts | Number of Students: 1,145 |
School Type: Charter Management Org | Free and Reduced Lunch: 56.4% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 34.2% |
State of Technology
Match Next: Match Next, a fifth grade campus with a blended learning model, is the newest addition to the Match organization.The model was piloted during 2013-2014 at Match Community Day with fourth graders. In fall 2014, the new campus openedto serve fifth graders. In a typical Match School day, students receive a combination of whole class instruction for four to fivehours, paired with two hours of tutoring. At Match Next, there is no whole group, teacher-led instruction. Instead, all instruction isdelivered in the form of tutoring. There are two master teachers (one ELA, one math) that manage the larger classroom community,working closely with tutors while they provide small group or one-on-one instruction. Tutors use technology to allow students topractice the skills they’re working on. Though the campus is still in its early phase, the goal and hope is to build a model that can bescaled on a national level.
More Than K12: The schools are only a piece of the work led by Match Education Organization. Match also supports a graduateschool of education for teachers, an alternative higher education experience for students, and Match Export, a set of video-basedresources on Match’s best practices. Match Graduate School of Education was started in 2012. It aims to create an alternativepathway for teachers to gain their Master of Education. The school has made a name for itself for its emphasis on using videotapingand feedback on student’s performance in the classroom. Match Beyond is an alternative to traditional college, focused on studentswho struggle in traditional university systems. Through a partnership with the University of Southern New Hampshire, studentstake online courses, while Match provides them with in-person tutoring and support. Match Export, the newest project led byMatch, produces and shares a series of three-to-five minute videos on particular topics specific to school management (ie. workingwith data, handling hallway transitions, etc.). The organization hopes, in addition to teacher training videos provided by its GraduateSchool of Education, to package these videos and make them available for other education leaders.
Tech Needs & Requirements
Single sign-on capabilities are preferable, but not non-negotiable.
Blended Learning: In fall 2014, Match Next opened its doors to fifth graderswith the same “no excuses” mission as other Match schools, but with a uniqueblended learning model which features tutors and the use of technology topersonalize learning.
Match Export: The Match Education Organization will continue to compilevideos and share them with the broader community over the coming year.