State: Louisiana | Number of Students: 150 |
School Type: Charter School | Free and Reduced Lunch: N/A |
Grade Level: K-1 | English Language Learners: N/A |
School Context
This small innovative charter school is looking for a data management tool that can help support a unified data collection system for all teachers, for both formative standards based assessments and qualitative observational feedback, which can also be shared with parents.
State of Technology
This charter school is trying to support students to develop agency and power over their own learning. They support a competency standards based model where students master different standards and apply their skills through projects. The school would like one central place and format to track the skills each student masters, as well as anecdotal evidence around how students are applying those skills. Teachers would use it to group students, conference with parents and empower students to own their own learning. Along with formative assessments on students’ mastery of standards, a need is to also import data from interim assessments such as MAP and Fountas and Pinnell. Ideally, there would be a way that this data could lead students to select playlists of content so they can lead their own learning. It would be great to deliver assessments digitally, but that is not a non-negotiable.
Currently, data is all over the place. Some teachers capture data in a notebook, Google Docs or Excel. Other teachers play around with tools such as Brightloop. Skills and standards are being tracked manually.
Tech Needs & Requirements
Teachers need to have the ability to enter data and view data in a dashboard that tracks standards based achievement. Ideally, teachers would be able to use this data to form groups easily and regroup based on ability levels.
Teachers use mac laptops and iPads. The school offers 1:1 iPads for all our students. The tool must integrate with Powerschool to grab roster data and must have the ability to track standards based data and qualitative data on each student. The school needs to be able to track both standards based grading and qualitative observations about how students are implementing their learning. The tool needs to have the ability to upload data via CSV or by creating digital assessments directly. The tool needs to have easy data visualization tools so that teachers and students can quickly understand where they are at. The school would also like to be able to integrate interim assessments. The tool must be iOS app based or mobile responsive so students can view their data.