State: New Jersey | Number of Students: 5,731 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 76.7% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 18.1% |
State of Technology
Academic Tech Tools: At Long Branch Public Schools, teachers and students can access technology through media centers aswell as wireless computer labs. In grades three through five, the district has implemented a 1:1 initiative. Elementary through highschool students have access to laptops loaded with software that supports both ELA and math curriculum. Students have access tosupplemental academic software that the district has invested in, such as Achieve 3000: KidBiz and TeenBiz.
High School STEM Program: Long Branch High School has a STEM program focused on preparing students for successfulfutures in science, technology, engineering and math. The program allows students to explore areas of study such as robotics, TVproduction, biology and forensics while in school. The program has an engineering curriculum that has been certified by ProjectLead the Way (PLTW), a nonprofit that provides curriculum and resources for STEM education. PLTW certification allows students toapply for college credits at 40 partnership schools once they complete the high school level courses within the program.
Tech Needs & Requirements
Technology tools must have to be networkable and windows-based and software must work on the Windows operating system.
InnovateNJ Pilot.
Student Leadership Teams.
Project Lead The Way for elementary school students