State: New Jersey | Number of Students: 3,100 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 11.5% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 0.3% |
State of Technology
Jefferson Township Middle School: Jefferson Township Middle School has become a standout school, with early involvement ininnovateNJ, for its student-centered learning environments. Instruction at the middle school focuses on problem-based learningand technology integration to support personalized learning. Elective courses in grades 6-8 include music, global issues, computerapplications and STEM classes.
Super Science Girl App: Jefferson Township Middle School was one of four middle schools to win the 2014 Verizon InnovativeApp Challenge. The challenge was to increase student interest in STEM subjects. Working alongside a faculty advisor, a team ofstudents at the middle school created a mobile app, and submitted it with an overview of their idea, a short video and an essay. Theapp is called Super Science Girl, with a focus on encouraging young girls to pursue STEM careers. The app leads the user throughexperiments and STEM games, and also teaches the user about famous women in STEM fields.