State: Florida | Number of Students: 128,702 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 43.8% |
Grade Level: K-12 | English Language Learners: N/A |
School Context
Supported Staff: Duval takes professional development seriously, providing support and learning opportunities to allstaff members.
Creating Community: The district creates a collaborative community that is inclusive of all stakeholders.
Responsible With Resources: DCPS aims to use funds strategically and equitably to support all students and staffmembers.
The Whole Child: Duval staff members educate the whole child by providing various learning opportunities, creatingsafe and welcoming learning environments, and encouraging positive and respectful behavior.
State of Technology
A Shift to BYOD: Duval County Public Schools has implemented aBring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. The district has a specificBYOD network called DCPS_BYOD that allows users to access filterededucational resources using their own devices. The district takes theirBYOD policy seriously, logging and monitoring all internet activity andholding users accountable for how they use their technology tools.
STEM Labs: Duval was awarded a $1.2 million School Improvement Grantand a portion of the funds are being used to create STEM labs in 11 Title 1elementary schools in the district. The schools involved in the grant are:Garden City, George Washington Carver, Long Branch, Love Grove, NorthShore, Oceanway, Rufus Payne, San Jose, S. P. Livingston, Stonewall.
Jackson and West Riverside. There will be a focus on hands-on, project-based STEM education and a major goal is to drive students towards STEM-related careers someday. The labs will be used to provide scienceeducation to students in grades 3-5.
Tech Needs & Requirements
The purchasing department distributes bids through network.