State: California | Number of Students: 16,500 |
School Type: Parochial School System | Free and Reduced Lunch: N/A |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: N/A |
School Context
Catholic Faith: DSJ Schools foster Catholic faith and values in all of their students.
Common Core: The Diocese believes that high expectations should be set for all students and supports the use of CommonCore standards in DSJ Schools.
Blended Learning: DSJ is investing in technology and blended learning in order to improve student achievement and promotenext generation learning environments.
Fiscal Sustainability: For DSJ, short term and long term financial responsibility are a priority.
State of Technology
Drexel School System: In 2013 the Diocese of San Jose launched the St.Katharine Drexel School Initiative (Drexel School System) with the help ofa grant from the Sobrato Family Foundation. The goal of this initiative wasto create a sustainable financial model for Catholic schools and improvestudent achievement by implementing blended learning and streamliningadministrative processes. Today, the Drexel School System consists of sevenPK-8 Catholic schools in Santa Clara County. Each school implements blendedlearning, and resources are shared across the system.
Mobile Learning: The Drexel schools have a 3:1 iPad to student ratio in PK-4th grade and a 1:1 ratio for students in 5th-8th grade. In addition to usingiPads at school, students in 7th and 8th grade can take their devices homewith them.
iPad Stations: Teachers at Drexel schools receive iPads that are pre-loadedwith 70 different apps grouped into three categories: workflow, creativity andcontent. They collaborate by grade levels to decide which apps to use. Then,students use the iPads during station rotations in the classroom. Some of theDrexel schools also have STEM programming and robotics clubs.
Academy of Blended Learning: In 2013, the Drexel School System partneredwith Santa Clara University to create a professional development program forteachers and administrators called the Academy of Blended Learning (ABL).All teachers at Drexel schools are required to participate in the 12-monthprogram to earn a professional certificate in blended learning. More than100 teachers have completed the program to date. Moreover, all principalsparticipate in ongoing leadership and organizational management trainingthat includes monthly meetings and mentors.
Tech Needs & Requirements
The Drexel School System is continuously looking for new ways to personalize learning.
The Drexel School System is investigating what it would take to officially transfer governance of the Drexel elementary schoolsfrom the local parishes to the Diocese of San Jose.