Denver Public Schools

Denver Public Schools

Denver Public Schools serve about 79,400 students through 162 schools.

Denver Public Schools serve about 79,400 students (October 2010) in 162 schools. Among those are: 73 elementary schools, 16 K-8 schools, four K-12 schools, 16 middle schools, 12 traditional high schools, 30 charter shcools and 11 special purpose schools. Approximatey 58% of students are Hispanic, almost 20% are white, less than 15% are black, and 3.3% are Asian. Some 72.5% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch.

English language learners make up 31% of the student population; non-ELLs who are Spanish speaking students make up 40% of the district's students. The five top languages spoken by students are: Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Russian and Somali.

The graduation rate in the 2009-2010 school year was 51.8%. 

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