State: California | Number of Students: 1,218 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 89.6% |
Grade Level: K-8 | English Language Learners: 53.4% |
School Context
This district is located near the border of Mexico, serving a high population of ELL students. They are a K-8 district, with a strong technology adoption.
State of Technology
The school just adopted a core ELA curriculum and they want to develop a best practices for their supplemental program to help fill in literacy gaps.
Currently, they use a lower elementary K-3 program called DORA. It is too expensive to roll out to their upper elementary, so they would like to find something else.
Tech Needs & Requirements
This school district is looking for a program to replace their current solution in order to better fill literacy gaps and find a solid supplementary tool to support their core curriculum. They would like the tool to have a diagnostic and adaptive technology so that students are able to master skills they may have missed in the core curriculum from that year or from previous years. They are looking for foundational skills content primarily.
The tool should be aligned with California Common Core standards. All questions should be tagged with these standards. They would like the questions to mirror the SBACC format as much as possible. They would like a variety of text options, both fiction and nonfiction. It would be nice if the tool provided tagging or alignment to ELD standards.
The tool should support self correcting and provide immediate feedback so that students have multiple opportunities to show mastery to the skill. It would be ideal for the tool to provide explanations as to why the answer to a question is wrong, as they would like their students to learn from the mistakes as much as possible.
Students should see where they are in scope and sequence, but not have control over their path. It would be a nice to have if younger students were able to read their own data in graph form.
Teachers will primarily be teaching from the core curriculum and using this tool as a way to differentiate and support students where they need the most help.
The tool must provide diagnostics and/or assessment built into the tool to determine best path for students. The tool must be adaptive to adjust to students' skill levels. Data must be actionable at the teacher level and not require teachers to be "data analysts" to read their students' progress data. The tool must provide content that is Common Core aligned. Rostering cannot be manual. It would be ideal to the tool to integrate with their SIS and FileExtracts.
The district offers a variety of devices, so the tool needs to be device agnostic. They are roughly 1:3 ratio of students to devices. The tool must provide teachers with data that shows student progress data toward skill mastery, diagnostic assessment results, standards by class and by student. The tool must provide administrative data that show the same as teacher and whole school progress by teacher, groups of students with similar needs or by standard. It would be nice for the tool to integrate with Clever, School City SIS, Synergy and FileExtracts.