State: Massachusetts | Number of Students: 53,263 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 55.5% |
Grade Level: PK-12 | English Language Learners: 31.2% |
State of Technology
Exciting Initiatives: In 2013, the city of Boston adopted Google Apps, and members of the BPS community gained access to GoogleApps such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar and Google Groups in order to boost collaboration with colleagues and peers.In 2014, BPS deployed 10,000 Chromebooks to K-12 students as part of a new Chromebook initiative. The district has continuedto support the Laptops for Learning Initiative (L4L), which began in 2007 as a way to provide teachers with laptops to use in theirclassrooms and for professional learning. Teachers now receive a MacBook with Windows as well as some instructional softwarepre-installed.
TechBoston: TechBoston is a department that exists within the BPS Office of Instructional and Informational Technology. Its goalis to inspire and enable BPS students by providing support and access to advanced technology resources and opportunities thatset them up for success in school and for their careers. TechBoston offers events for students and provides classroom resources,support and professional development opportunities for teachers. They also help place high school students with technology skillsin jobs and internships.
Tech Boston Academy Expansion: The district includes 20 pilot schools, which were created to explore innovative models forlearning. One of these pilot schools is Tech Boston Academy (TBA), which serves students in grades 6-12. The school is focusedon college preparation and uses various types of technology and project-based learning experiences to connect students to theirlearning. Students have access to various technology tools including laptops, interactive whiteboards, student response systems,and video production tools. The school also uses Google Apps for Education. TBA has an extended-day program that allowsstudents to engage in extracurricular activities related to technology, and students also have the opportunity to take advancedtechnology courses during the school day such as computer science and digital art courses. The proposed budget for 2016 includes$500,000 in funding to expand the pilot.
Chromebook Rollout: In March 2014, Boston Public Schools began aChromebook Initiative for students in grades K-12, rolling out 10,000 devicesthroughout the district.
Boston Gone Google: The City of Boston adopted Google Apps in December2013. Students and staff members of Boston Public Schools use Gmail, GoogleDrive, Google Calendar and other apps to collaborate with peers.