State: Pennsylvania | Number of Students: 1,610 |
School Type: Public School District | Free and Reduced Lunch: 14.6% |
Grade Level: K-12 | English Language Learners: 0.4% |
School Context
Differentiated Instruction: The district takes a personalized approach to teaching, utilizing project-based learning, toreach students of varying levels of ability.
Integration of the Arts: Avonworth values art as an integral portion of the curriculum and supports studentperformances, extracurricular opportunities and partnerships.
Community Engagement: Through partnerships with local businesses and foundations, the district is developing a digitallibrary, collaboration network and mechanisms for engaging the larger school community in learning.
Innovative Spaces: To inspire creative learning experiences, the district has worked to offer diverse learning environments,including flipped classrooms, blended learning and distance learning.
State of Technology
Chromebooks: The district has embarked on the implementation ofChromebooks and Google Apps for Education in grades 6-12. The districthas a 1:1 student to device ratio, but students aren’t assigned individualdevices.
Professional Development: Avonworth partnered with RobertMorris University in Pittsburgh to provide yearlong, online professionaldevelopment courses for teachers. These courses aimed to help teachersintegrate blended learning principles into their classrooms.
Building Bridges: Eighth graders engaged the larger community duringa project-based learning experience integrating math and science.Students built models of bridges and presented their work to professionalarchitects, engineers, and even members of the Pennsylvania Departmentof Transportation.
Makerspaces: Through partnerships with local museums, foundationsand universities, Avonworth has created makerspaces at each campus forpreK-12 students. The spaces are equipped with woodworking equipment,3D printers and sewing kits to promote project-based learning and 21stcentury skills.
Tech Needs & Requirements
Technology tools needed are online professional development courses and a comprehensive LMS.