YOUR RESPONSES: to last week's provocative Wall Street Journal op-ed from Andrew Coulson, "America Has Too Many Teachers." Bryan Hassel of think-tank Public Impact argues that "simplistically reducing the number of teachers and increasing class sizes, without giving excellent teachers more career opportunities and higher pay, won’t attract, keep, or reach nearly enough students with excellent teachers. Instead, schools must redesign roles and use technology so that today’s excellent teachers are in charge of far more students’ learning. [It] is an essential ingredient for leveraging great teachers and achieving educational excellence at large scale."
Loyal EdSurge reader Mat Cusick spent hours tapping away at his indignation at Coulson's using test scores and comparisons to Greece as supporting evidence. But we'll leave you with his most powerful point: "Everyone is a teacher, everyone is a student, and everywhere is a classroom. Perhaps it will be that we will have fewer professional teachers in the future...But we must continue to develop more and more teachers, until everyone is actively and proudly teaching."