SO HOW WAS THAT MOOC FOR YA? First come the MOOCs, then come the reviews. First out of the box:
Founded just two months ago, Knollop is a Yelp-like review and discovery site for MOOCs. It boasts courses from nine MOOCs: including Khan Academy, MIT, and Harvard, as well as favorites like edX, Udacity, and Coursera.
But Knollop has competition. A mere seven weeks ago, serial entrepreneur Jesse Spaulding (LunchTree, FourTonight) launched a rival site called CourseTalk. While CourseTalk features many of the same features as Knollop, it lists just 276 courses to Knollop's 2,835.
TechCrunch points out that "it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to imagine that MOOC platforms could simply add their own review systems and discovery tools," but that the sites will find some safety in representing multiple MOOCs. While the two sites have reviewers in common, curiously, their reviews of the same courses are often completely different. So, what's CourseTalk's highest rated course? Metrists rejoice--that would be Modern & Contemporary American Poetry.