360° STUDENTS: Panorama Education, which offers surveys and resources to help schools collect and analyze feedback, is launching a new platform: Panorama Student Success. Think of it as an in-depth online progress report for students, but in addition to test scores and grades, there are also data on attendance, behavior and social-emotional well-being. And rather than once a quarter, teachers can get feedback on student performance every day.

Panorama Student Success is a completely new offering from the company, though it incorporates some of their existing features, including surveys and social-emotional learning resources.
In a prepared statement, Aaron Feuer, founder and CEO of Panorama, says he’s “always believed students are more than their test scores,” but school data systems don’t capture the full progress of every student. The new platform, he explains, is designed to give educators more time to support students rather than sorting through spreadsheets.
Panorama Student Success has been piloted by six schools so far, including Waltham Public Schools in Massachusetts. (Check out how they fared.)