Who thinks technology makes learning more "fun"?
Surprise answer: Teachers.
According to a survey of more than 20,000 students and teachers conducted by Quizlet, 83 percent of teachers--particularly those ages 32 or younger--say they believe "devices in the class" make learning more "fun" for their students.
Only 63 percent of students agree.
On the other hand, 69 percent of students say devices "help them learn" but a mere 40 percent of teachers say devices help them teach.
Quizlet, whose flashcard program is used by 20 million people, conducted the survey in November, and included responses from students typically in high school but ranging in age from elementary school to graduate school. Teachers, too, included Baby Boomers (age 52 and older), Gen X's (ages 34 to 51) and Millennials (under age 33 years old).
Younger teachers were the most upbeat on education among educators: half said that technology "helps me teach" in contrast to 38% of Baby Boomer teachers. Less than 1 percent of teachers overall called techology "a waste of time in the classroom."
Among students, devices and apps appear to be viewed as a learning tool first, and something "fun" second. For instance, 69% of students said tablets or computers "help me learn" while 63% said the devices "make learning more fun." Similarly for apps: two thirds (66 percent) said apps "help me learn" while barely 51 percent said that they "make learning more fun."
Of course, those answering the survey are more inclined toward technology; they already use Quizlet either in their classes or at home.
The one point of consensus for students and teachers: The most important part of the classroom experience are the interactions between teachers and students. To the point: 86 percent of teachers and 68 percent of students listed that engagement as "important," ahead of interaction with other students, education technology, books, handouts and assessments.
Ah, sweet consensus!