TOO COOL (PERFECT FOR SCHOOL): We've got our favorite edtech teacher and administrator tools for the week right here, as highlighted in our Instruct newsletter. By the way--got a favorite S’Cool Tool you like to use? We would love to hear and share your recommendations! If you’ve got a tool that makes you or your students sing from the proverbial mountaintops, fill out this form to let us know. It might just get featured!
Our tools of the week are:
Free! If you’re looking for a way to collect and review student assignments electronically, here’s an idea. The Showbie app, available on for iOS, allows you to give assignments, receive student work, and add written, drawn or recorded comments directly onto them. Here’s to easing up your classroom workflow!
Free! Do you use online texts and videos in your classroom? With DocentEDU, you can tailor sites from the web for your own lessons, by adding comments, highlighting, videos, maps, graphics, and questions. Your students can add their own annotations to the text, too. DocentEDU also offers a grading tool for all those answered questions and assignments.
Free! Take an LMS, mix in a classroom response tool like Socrative, and you’ve got Quipper. Available on browsers, iPhone, iPad, and Android, London-based Quipper offers a way to deliver short lessons and ask multiple choice questions of your students. After answers are submitted, the platform provides analytics based on class responses and messages for communicating with students individually.