POP QUIZ: Do you know how youngins are using social media? Try to match these social media platforms to their predominant real-life function:
A. Snapchat
B. Twitter
C. Instagram
D. Facebook
1. “A place of advertisement for peoples’ work"
2. “Share how pretty you look”
3. “The only socially acceptable way to send somewhat anonymous message about how you are feeling”
4. “Express who you are”
This is according to (extremely anecdotal) “Eleventh Grade Tech Trends,” in which Branch co-founder Josh Miller interviewed his sixteen-year-old sister about how she uses social media. A year after his earlier post, “Tenth Grade Tech Trends,” which includes observations like “I guess a few kids use [Twitter] but they’re all the ones who won’t shut up in class, who always think they have something important to say,” she offers some more prescient predictions about upcoming trends in tech. Read more here--including which social media platforms Miller’s sister uses most during the school day.
(Answer Key: 1D, 2A, 3B, 4C)