ACHIEVEMENT TRACKING: Are Chicago’s selective “test-in” high schools causing a brain drain? When high-testing students attend more competitive, specialized schools, does it give them tools to succeed, or leave struggling students without resources?
These are tough questions, and over at The Hechinger Report, Linda Lutton offers a thorough report on the effects of “test-in” Chicago public schools, including a radio story from Chicago’s WBEZ, a great series of infographics, and some disheartening statistics: The 20 schools with the highest scores on freshman entrance testing are almost the same as the top 20 on the ACT exam. 96% of eighth graders who got a perfect school on the exam attended one of six high schools, while at some schools, over 80% of students score below the district average.
What are your thoughts on academic tracking, within a school and within a district? How important is attending a neighborhood school? Should families have choice when it comes to public schools? Share your ideas in the comments section below.