AND THE WINNER IS: Today, Teach for America announced the winners from its Social Innovation Award pilot and pre-pilot tracks. From the pilot track, TFA awarded $80,000 to RISE Colorado, a nonprofit founded on the importance of families in student success, and $50,000 to the School Justice Project, a startup that provides no-cost special education legal representation to court-involved youth. From the pre-pilot track, Education In Sight won $20,000 to continue providing low-cost glasses and eye care to low-income students.
“We are so thrilled to invest in these three transformative organizations working to level the playing field for students in underserved communities,” said Vinit Sukhija, who leads Teach For America’s Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Initiative. “These organizations were selected because of their potential for impact and because of the fearless leadership of the edupreneurs growing them, and we believe the Social Innovation Award’s investment will accelerate their growth over time.”