SETDA Seeks Edtech Startup Partners


SETDA Seeks Edtech Startup Partners

Apr 15, 2014

READY SETDA GO: SETDA has opened applications for its second class of its Emerging Private Sector Partners program, which seeks to connect early-stage education ventures with state agencies and district technology coordinators around the U.S. The organization's 230+ members contribute on a broad range of state-level initiatives such as broadband, assessment, data collection, PD and Title I programs. Participating startups also get the opportunity to present at exclusive SETDA events.

Jennifer Fritschi, Director of Strategic Partnerships, tells EdSurge that some of SETDA's state members also help manage grant programs and RFPs:

While our state members are not in a position to endorse specific products and services, they often are asked about products and services and can point district administrators to other districts where they know they are having success.

There's a price, of course: For those accepted into the program, there is a $5,000 fee for the first year and $7,500 for the second. Check out the bottom of this list for SETDA's current emerging partners.

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