MAKING UP: Amplify and Guilford County Schools are back on with a tentative agreement to re-deploy devices to middle schools--but making up comes at a price. In October 2013, Guilford County Schools suspended its three-year $16.8 million Amplify tablet rollout due to 1,500 broken screens and one melted charger. The company responded immediately to the district's concerns, working to investigate the issues. Now, according to the district's tentative agreement the rollout will resume in the spring with a pilot and will end in 2017-18, instead of the original end date of 2016-17.
Amplify will apply all previous funds to cover the extended end date, and all additional costs for users at six additional middle schools. Amplify has also agreed to pay the district $856,750 for staff time and training costs incurred by the district from the suspension of the program in October. "We don't think its enough for a company to just airdrop in some hardware or software. Doing this right takes real collaboration, time and trust," says Amplify spokesperson Justin Hamilton.