BEING DEASY AIN'T EASY: Will he or won't he? Change is hard--including on those pushing reform. While everyone agrees that rolling out iPads in LA has been fraught with problems, is that the reason--or an excuse--to nudge out LA Superintendent John Deasy? He reportedly was tendering his resignation last week. On Tuesday, hundreds of parents rallied to support him. Clincher quote from Sylmar High School teacher, Tom Adams: "Dr. Deasy has really one focus--the benefit of education for our students," he said. "Please--stay with us."
The likelihood of Deasy's resignation, however, did dim on Tuesday. The LAUSD board voted to extend Deasy's contract as Superintendent through 2016. On Twitter, LAUSD reported that after a closed-session performance review, Deasy was given a “satisfactory performance evaluation, which extends his contract through June 30, 2016." He did not comment on the report, and only responded that he had yet to submit an official letter of resignation.